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The barrier mask

Calmos Abricos masks are handmade in Paris (like all our zero-waste accessories). Triple layer of cotton and thin elastic around the ears. 

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Advice and recommendations for the use of barrier masks


Never pick up or touch the mask, you can readjust or remove it by the ties. Always wash your hands well before and after with soap or hydro-alcoholic gel. Tie the mask securely so you don't have to touch it afterwards. Even if it bothers you, don't drag it under your chin.

Remove it by the links and put a clean one back if necessary.


Wear the mask for a maximum of 4 hours then machine wash it at 60°C for at least 30min (with soap). On this subject we see a lot of things circulating such as ironing it, steaming it over a saucepan, etc. According to AFNOR, the best cleaning is at high temperature with rubbing and soap. We agree it's not the most ecological and it hurts our hearts to make machines for masks but if that's what it takes to avoid contaminating others and contaminating ourselves then We did it.


We take advantage of this detergent to wash the bulk bags  in fabric or the paper towels !

Wash in the open air or in the dryer. 

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